Moonstar Jewelry

Saturday, April 11, 2009

More Life Changes

It seems that every time I think I get my life back on track another derailment occurs. My frustration level peaks and I find myself starting over once again. Let me explain. Since September my work status has been in a state of flux. First, I was laid off of one of the best jobs I ever had. I was prepared to be out of work for a month all the while 'knowing' it would only be a matter of weeks. A month went by, then another, and another. It took 3 months to secure another job. It was a part time teaching position which I am fortunate to have to this day. A part time job, however, does not pay the bills. During the next 4 months I found 2 short term contract jobs which recently came to an end. Now I find myself back to one part time teaching job with no prospects in site.

So you ask, what does this have to do on a jewelry blog? Well, let me explain. During my time off of work, I decided to rebuild my line of jewelry. I hit the ground running and was so excited by all the new designs I created. I opened my online store and started marketing my wares.

Unique, Handcrafted, Artisan Jewelry made with love, light, and positive energy. I love to design and create. Little did I realize that "If I make it, they will buy" doesn't really exist in the real world. It's more like, if I make it, market it, market it some more, tell all my friends to tell their friends, well.........I might sell a piece or two. It is more difficult than I thought it would be.

So, here I am at a crossroads. I have my part time teaching job. I have my jewelry website. I have my knowledge and skills that I would love to share. All this potential, but where does it lead me?

I will have to ponder this notion for the time being. Re-assess my situation, pool my resources and come up with a solution. I am certain the resolution will not be in black and white. It will be a colorful mix of hues. I cannot wait to live the outcome.

I will keep you posted.